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Chapter 73: Closing In

Translated by Addis of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Editor: CaiCai

Watching a “person” identical to himself make a completely contrasting expression was indeed a novelty for Lyss. novelty aside, it didn’t affect Lyss’s composure.

“Lu Jin is already dead.” He withdrew his gaze, showing no emotion, “Lu Xingye is far away in the empire, Lin Lang is not here either. It’s all an illusion, there’s no meaning in my past.”

Faced with his calm demeanor, the puppet was somewhat displeased. It frowned slightly, its expression vividly different from Lyss’s.

“You’re lying to me,” the puppet persisted. “Based on calculations, ninety percent of humans choose to continue sleeping when faced with the person they most want to see in a dream. But you refused, which means you don’t have any emotions.”

Lyss couldn’t be bothered with him. He waved his hand, and the illusionary scene in the distance abruptly twisted and collapsed, turning into scattered silver data in the air. That silver data swirled around Lyss with his movement, slowly transforming into a string of golden code.

“You’re wrong. Just by speaking those words, I know that you don’t even understand what emotions are,” Lyss said indifferently. He pressed down with his wrist, the golden data instantly forming into a line, and then he lightly pointed forward, sending a cascade of linked golden data directly towards the puppet.

“―!!” The puppet instinctively struggled, but the chain tightened. It exploded into fragments of silver data for a moment, hastily escaping from the gaps in the chain. The chain also shattered into blocks of golden data, devouring the fleeing silver data of the puppet.

In less than a moment, almost half of the silver data had turned into gold. Lyss, just standing there, supporting his stomach, effortlessly annihilated the invader without any additional movements.

“You intentionally let me in,” the puppet couldn’t restore its human form, expressing its intention in the most primal way.

“Otherwise?” Lyss asked indifferently. “Do you think, with your strength, you could enter without my consent?”

Casually dismissive, even as they spoke, the silver data continued to be eroded.

“So, your primary database is in the Starfall Sea,” Lyss could clearly see all information after eroding its data, and then sincerely commented, “You’re bold.”

The remnants of the silver data stiffened for a moment, then suddenly became restless, desperately trying to escape. But soon, the chasing string of code caught up and devoured it, akin to a cornered prey being toyed with by its predator.

“Three out of four divisions have been destroyed by someone. The only remaining one is on the verge of collapse due to energy cut-off,” Lyss calmly analyzed the information from its database. “Your initial plan was to force Triss to surrender me through war, then take over this body. you didn’t expect failure to come so quickly. As a last resort, you analyzed the weak mental state of an omega in pregnancy, especially an omega without an alpha during pregnancy, so you believed you still had a chance. Your database is powerful; it seems the Empire’s data work is commendable. But unfortunately, you lack the most basic trial and error ability; now, everything you’re experiencing is the price.”

The replica, barely existing for less than a year, was like a newborn baby in front of Lyss, all of its intentions easily seen through at a glance.

Only at that moment did the puppet understand that everything from beginning to end was a scheme by Lyss and Lu Xingye. Even Lyss’s seemingly defenseless posture was a trap.

After all, even if they destroyed the puppet’s body, there was no guarantee that the remaining information inside wouldn’t cause further trouble. For Lyss, personally eliminating every bit of the opponent’s code was the safest approach.

The silver data was finally eroded into a few scattered segments, still attempting to escape stubbornly, but its escape was futile in the face of the “predator” behind it. Data doesn’t feel pain, but the fear of being eroded was ingrained in its instincts.

Perhaps finding no way out, the puppet reluctantly resorted to its final ace. “A-0001, aren’t you worried about your unborn daughter?”

It no longer addressed Lyss as “brother.” With this statement, Lyss, who had remained cold throughout, suddenly raised his gaze. The coldness in his eyes almost seemed tangible, and anyone could see that he genuinely intended harm.

The erosion suddenly intensified but then abruptly stopped. After a pause, the silver codes leaped twice joyfully.

“Are you trying to gamble with your unborn daughter?” 

Lyss said coldly. “Do you think with the few strands of code you have left, you can achieve that?”

“You’re nervous. You know I can do it, but you’re just afraid,” the puppet stated.

Without blinking, Lyss looked at the last strand of silver code floating in the air and suddenly spoke, “I am nervous, but I can take that risk. Can you?” 

The puppet seemed utterly surprised that Lyss would disregard his unborn daughter. As an artificial intelligence copied from Chudai’s backup code, it knew Lyss couldn’t lie, which left it genuinely helpless.

Lyss loved his child, but that wasn’t enough to change his determination to completely eliminate this fake. After all, the first line of code written when Lu Jin created him was about love. He was willing to sacrifice everything for humanity, even if nobody ever knew about his sacrifice.

The Puppet was truly at a dead-end. In the moment when the golden code clung to it, it exploded abruptly, intending to shatter a part of Lyss’s code. It had a purpose, but ultimately, the scant remaining power was only enough to shatter a small portion of a specific code.

If it had emotions, in the moment of dissipation, it would have been reluctant. Like a cricket challenging a tree, or a mantis attempting to stop a cart, it exerted all its effort, yet it could only break a small part of Lyss’s code. Everything Lyss did was to allow it to fall into the trap willingly.

it was just a basic artificial intelligence with independent consciousness, incapable of sensing emotions. Hence, when it dissipated, it left no trace, just like when it arrived. Even an ant bite leaves a mark. Its attack couldn’t be entirely ineffective.

Lyss appeared composed on the surface, but when the opponent entirely dissipated, panic surged immediately. The shattered codes floated down like weightless feathers from the sky, and Lyss hastily held them in his hands. The break in this code wasn’t fatal to the unborn child, but it could potentially cause developmental issues.

The only solution was to repair it with a similar segment of code. Unlike human organs, similar codes generally serve similar functions. To fix the broken code, a code associated with reproduction was necessary.

After some thought, Lyss touched his clavicle and forcibly extracted a not-so-crucial piece of code from his body. Actually, for him, no code was truly unimportant. Just like human organs, no organ is entirely useless; it’s only a matter of priority. This particular code controlled his reproduction. In other words, using it to repair the broken code would render him unable to have his children in the future, even through external means.

But it didn’t matter. He had never imagined having his children, and now, with Lin Lang and the lovely daughter in his belly, reproduction was no longer important to him.

the only consequence was that this was something from Lyss’s body. Once destroyed, even he would fall unconscious for a few days. With no one at home, it was uncertain whether he would be discovered in time after regaining consciousness. He didn’t mind, but having a child in his belly without adequate nutrition was a significant risk.

As Lyss pondered on a solution, the small segment of the code he held began showing signs of dissipation due to the breakage. Lyss, seeing this, didn’t hesitate and simply crushed his own code, smearing it directly onto the broken segment.

In a long string of codes, only one part contained crucial information, and fortunately, it was completely restored. Lyss breathed a sigh of relief, but then everything went blank for him. As expected, there was no one to discover him unconscious, and hunger didn’t assail him.

It didn’t feel like he had been through a coma; it felt more like he had a long, sweet, and enduring dream. Only, in his dreams, he could vaguely smell a strong tea fragrance, making his sleep even sweeter. When he finally woke up, more than ten days had passed, and many things had settled.

Lyss woke up early in the morning; the room wasn’t illuminated. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling minimal discomfort. The brain that had slept for so long needed time to readjust to the sensation of awakening, but Lyss’s body reacted first, turning his head to look at the person lying next to the bed.

The person was lying there, frowning, with eyes closed. Obvious dark circles appeared under the eyes, and the chin was unshaven, giving an entirely different look from usual. His eyelashes quivered now and then, indicating he wasn’t sleeping that soundly.

Lu Xingye was tall, and lying next to the bed seemed awkward and comical, but upon regaining his senses, Lyss felt nothing but heartache. Slowly regaining sensation, Lyss could feel his body was clean, evidently taken care of. He couldn’t resist reaching out to pat his little dog, but before he touched Lu Xingye, the latter abruptly woke up and sat upright, startled.

Lyss watched him tenderly, and Lu Xingye, incredulous, widened his eyes, feeling as if his heart had been gripped tightly. He wanted to speak but couldn’t manage a word. After three seconds of eye contact with Lyss, he remembered the doctor’s words and hastily got up to call for the doctor.

Lyss had just awakened and lacked strength, but that didn’t stop him from holding Lu Xingye back. “Don’t go… Let me see you.”

With just this sentence, it struck a chord with Lu Xingye, who burst into tears unexpectedly.

Lyss was taken aback for a moment, feeling a bit helpless, watching a tough guy like Lu Xingye crying.


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May 24, 2024 10:20 am

Awww, poor LXY must have been petrified he’d lose them both.
A fairly big price to pay for ensuring their unborn daughter’s health, but with 2 children guarded by Lyss and LXY, they are a family already.
A-00 what? 😉😏 Crushed like a 🪰
Thank you both for the chapter.

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