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Chapter 75: Proposal

Translated by Addis of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Editor: CaiCai

Lu Xingye widened his eyes in disbelief, then stubbornly protested, “Brother, how could you do this? I haven’t said anything yet!”

Lyss could hardly contain his smile, reaching for the ring, “Because I’m willing to do anything you say.”

Lu Xingye blushed at his words and almost got distracted, nearly giving away the ring. After regaining composure, he hurriedly said, “No, the ceremony isn’t over yet. Stop interrupting.”

Helpless, Lyss said, “You really think in a hospital room… Never mind, please continue.”

Lu Xingye cleared his throat seriously, took out the ring, and slowly knelt down. Lyss was startled, attempting to help him up but ended up just watching, exasperated and amused. “Get up.”

“I won’t,” Lu Xingye said obstinately, holding his hand. “In countless days to come, through all the changes and challenges, I’ll defend your future with my life. Mr. Lyss Silverfang, will you walk into the halls of marriage with me?”

“Through poverty or wealth, in sickness and in health, in life and in death,” Lyss affirmed slowly, “I’m willing.”

For a moment, Lu Xingye seemed like he wanted to cry upon hearing this, but he held back. As he slid on the ring, he said, “There won’t be poverty. I won’t let you or our babies live in poverty, my dear wife.”

Amused, Lyss remarked, “But you’re currently jobless, without a nationality. Shouldn’t that be my line?”

“I can’t possibly be jobless,” Lu Xingye, still half-kneeling, looked up in disbelief. “I’m an internationally recognized cutting-edge researcher in artificial intelligence. If I were jobless, how could I propose?”

This surprised Lyss. As Lu Xingye put the ring on him, Lyss raised an eyebrow, “A researcher? In what field?”

Lu Xingye had just put the ring on Lyss when he heard Lyss doubting his academic abilities. He stood up, holding Lyss’s hand. “I study artificial intelligence. I have extensive experience with it. Do you, as the chief, find my profession unsuitable?”

Lyss considered. He initially thought Lu Xingye’s “extensive experience” referred to A-001. Nodding, he said, “A-001 indeed sets a good example. It will undoubtedly inspire

 further development and research in artificial intelligence.”

Unexpectedly, Lu Xingye hinted, “I’m not referring to A-001.”

After a brief pause, Lyss finally understood the meaning behind Lu Xingye’s “extensive experience with artificial intelligence.” If it referred to the real Chudai, Lu Xingye indeed had extensive experience, even to an unexpected extent.

Lyss involuntarily glanced at Lin Lang, seeing his daughter innocently watching them. He couldn’t help but pat Lu Xingye, “Enough.”

“At your command, Chief,” Lu Xingye tried to suppress a smile but failed, looking somewhat comical.

Lin Lang, curious, tilted her head. “Dad, what’s wrong? Is your mouth twitching?”

They both chuckled at the unexpected interruption. Lu Xingye grinned, “No, sweetheart. Dad is just really happy.”

Despite his calculations for countless human possibilities since his birth, Lyss had never calculated his own future. He had never imagined a day when he’d wear a ring.

With his body already recovered, Lyss soon left the hospital. Many post-disaster issues needed his attention, including matters regarding the empire, which required discussions with Serica. Initially, citizens didn’t know about his decision for natural childbirth. as Lyss’s belly grew day by day, the media couldn’t resist asking questions.

Lyss casually responded, “Thank you all for your concern. I intend to have a natural birth.”

This revelation caused a stir, shocking the Triss population. Knowing the Chief would have a child was one thing, but witnessing his divine-like belly grow was another. Countless alphas were almost grinding their teeth in shock.

In a time where natural childbirth was rare, Lyss’s exceptional health led many natural childbirth purists to come forward. During a conference on interstellar problem-solving solutions, Lyss emphasized, “I hope everyone primarily considers artificial womb childbirth. The risks of natural birth are still high. I’ve chosen natural childbirth because of my good health and continuous family support. For those who lack these conditions, I don’t recommend it.”

Even in the interstellar age, childbirth remained a significant risk. Neglecting caution could irreversibly harm mothers. Lyss hoped people would consider their options carefully.

After the conference, the focus shifted. The phrase “continuous family support” caught media attention, appearing as headlines. It seemed exaggerated and contrary to Lyss’s demeanor, causing frustration among many, who felt the Chief was overly displaying affection.

Yet, this was a misunderstanding. Lu Xingye’s care for Lyss had reached an unimaginable level. The simple phrase “continuous family support” couldn’t encompass all that Lu Xingye had done.

“I think…” Lyss sighed, “If you keep this up, I might end up with postpartum depression.”

Lu Xingye abruptly halted their steps, anxiously asking, “Are you uncomfortable? Physically or emotionally? Postpartum depression, although common, don’t worry, I—”

“I’m not talking about me having postpartum depression,” Lyss interrupted. “I meant you.”

Lu Xingye resumed walking, settling Lyss in bed, “I’m perfectly fine; you don’t need to worry about me.”

During this time, Lyss functioned independently outside but often felt pampered at home. Lu Xingye tended to him like an idol, accompanying him everywhere, something Lin Lang had gotten used to.

Dinner was done, Lin Lang was asleep, but Lyss’s day wasn’t over yet. Lu Xingye had heard that a massage before sleep enhanced blood circulation and insisted on giving Lyss one.

Initially, Lyss thought Lu Xingye was referring to something else. He thought it had been months since they had indulged in certain activities, so it seemed reasonable. Thus, he gladly accepted it the first time. This guy was as focused and serious as a professional masseuse. Were it not for a certain reaction, Lyss almost thought he was the one with impure thoughts.

But astonishingly, he held back. He even managed to restrain himself until now. Lyss couldn’t help but worry about his daily emotional state during this genuine pregnancy. This concern prompted the initial comment.

Lyss understood Lu Xingye’s thoughts. After all, when Lin Lang was conceived, he wasn’t around. During the first three months of expecting their second daughter, they were often apart. Lu Xingye looked cheerful and sunny, but he carried more in his heart than anyone knew. Lyss suspected he blamed himself for not being there enough.

Additionally, Lyss had recently informed him that he couldn’t bear children anymore.

When Lyss mentioned that having two daughters was perfect, Lu Xingye reacted as if the sky was falling. He believed it was his negligence that caused irreversible damage to Lyss’s body.

It took Lyss quite a while to explain, pinching Lu Xingye’s ears, to make him reluctantly accept that while his health was excellent, his inability to conceive was merely a matter of code, unrelated to specific organs.

But understanding rationally and emotionally accepting it were two different things. Since that incident, Lu Xingye’s care for Lyss had truly reached an unbearable level.

Four meals a day with two extra snacks, each meal substantial. Even Lin Lang had gained some roundness from following along.

To maintain cleanliness at home, Lu Xingye was almost scrubbing the floor to the point that even Lyss, who had a slight obsession with cleanliness, found it hard to accept.

At present, Lyss felt as if he were a fragile object delicately placed on the bed. His robe was gently pushed up, and he couldn’t help but say, “Can you not do this?”

Gently but firmly, Lu Xingye replied, “Be good, endure it.”

To be honest, Lu Xingye’s technique was very professional and not painful at all. But therein lay the problem; it would have been better if it were slightly painful.

During pregnancy, omega pheromone and hormone levels were much higher than usual. His body couldn’t handle this level of physical contact.

Despite being a person of strong will, Lyss couldn’t help but grab onto the bedsheets. After a moment, he couldn’t resist saying, “…Apply more pressure.”

Lu Xingye was also on the verge. Hearing Lyss’s pleading tone, he almost lost control.

That statement was just too intimate, akin to bedroom whispers. Lu Xingye momentarily lost control of the pressure on Lyss’s thigh and pressed down forcefully.

“Ah!” Lyss abruptly closed his eyes, tears streaming down his face, the sheet beneath him almost soaking through.

As the months passed, the pressure on his abdomen occasionally compressed nerves, especially for someone who needed to attend various events regularly. His thighs easily stiffened and ached. This required external force to push through, a sensation that words couldn’t fully describe.

After a massage, painless but torturous for both, Lu Xingye was drenched in sweat. He stood up, intending to take a shower. as he got up, a snow-white tail somehow wound around his waist.

Lu Xingye paused, unable to resist turning to look at the person lying there. There were sweat droplets where the massage had been, stark white. The person didn’t need to say anything, just looked up with watery eyes. Lu Xingye immediately forgot restraint and pressed down, unable to hold back any longer.

“It’s already been four months…” Lu Xingye’s eyes glinted like a little dog begging for a bone, “Can I?”

His master lightly kissed his chin, granting his transgression, “Gently.”

*Author’s Note:*

Lin Xi: You two are lofty, you two are amazing!


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bumble 1960
bumble 1960
May 25, 2024 7:49 pm

Awww…. Wish all partners were as loving and caring🥰🥰🥰

May 26, 2024 12:50 pm

I love these 2.
Thank you both for the chapter.

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