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Chapter 74: Post-Disaster

Translated by Addis of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

Editor: CaiCai

“What’s wrong…” Lyss quickly reached out to wipe his tears, unintentionally causing more to flow, “I’m okay, why are you crying?”

Lu Xingye held Lyss’s other hand tightly, tears flowing freely. Realizing his current appearance was indeed unsightly, with the dark circles and unshaved chin, he quickly let go of Lyss’s hand, wanting to turn away.

Lyss noticed and tried to reach out to him, but because of his belly, he couldn’t quite reach. Instead, he directly said, “Come here.”

Lu Xingye paused for a moment, then obediently turned back.

Lyss blinked and stared at him, “How long have I been asleep?”

Lu Xingye truthfully replied, “Fifteen days.”

Lyss hadn’t expected to sleep for so long. After a pause, he asked, “How long have you been waiting by my side?”

Lu Xingye, still holding his hand, said, “…Fifteen days.”

Lyss slowly opened his eyes and asked, “Who found me at home?” 

Lu Xingye looked extremely relieved and admitted, “It was me… You don’t know how worried I was, I thought I was too late.” 

The once dignified sixth prince of the empire now appeared helpless and pitiful, like a dog abandoned by its owner.

“You didn’t come late, don’t cry, little dog,” Lyss hooked his neck and pulled him down, saying, “You came just in time. Thank you.” He comfortingly tried to kiss Lu Xingye’s eyes, but the latter instinctively avoided it, saying, “…Ugly.”

Lyss suddenly found it amusing, “Ugly? Not at all.” With that, he kissed Lu Xingye’s teary eyes without hesitation. After a breathless moment, a passionate kiss enveloped them. Lu Xingye’s actions remained cautious, never daring to touch Lyss’s abdomen, afraid of causing any issues.

After the kiss, Lu Xingye reluctantly pulled away, saying, “I’ll call the doctor.” 

Lyss rubbed his ears and asked, “Alright, and where’s Lin Lang?” 

Lu Xingye, who had just been ear-rubbed, couldn’t resist lowering his head to kiss Lyss again, saying, “She’s still at school. She comes every day after class and can’t be driven away from your side.”

Lyss nodded, “Good.” 

Lu Xingye reluctantly stood up to call the doctor, even though he could have just shouted for the doctor through the intercom. Lyss, seeing this, humorously didn’t point it out, “Hurry up.”

After a while, the doctor, accompanied by Lillia and a group of Federation officials, entered, but there was no sign of Lu Xingye. Lyss pretended not to notice and extended his hand, cooperating with the doctor’s examination. During the examination, he inquired in detail about what happened during his coma, and it was evident that Lillia was there for this purpose.

The conversation then delved into the complex political situation of the empire, where the royal family and the cabinet had different attitudes, leading to the royal family’s loss of status. Many members were imprisoned, awaiting trial, while others were stripped of their royal status and became ordinary citizens. The constitutional monarchy of the empire was essentially dead.

Upon hearing this, Lyss subconsciously asked, “What about Lu Xingye?” Even though many had anticipated Lyss asking about Lu Xingye, hearing the question brought out complex expressions.

It felt like worshiping a deity for a long time only to have that deity taken away by someone who doesn’t believe in gods. It was something nobody could accept.

“Due to the special status of the Sixth Prince, after a detailed inquiry by the interstellar court and obtaining evidence in the empire, they decided to release him on the spot. With the Empire losing its royalty, the court asked if he would accept becoming an imperial citizen. He…” at this point, Lillia’s expression became subtle.

Lyss, puzzled, asked, “What happened to him?” 

“He refused; he said he didn’t want to become an imperial citizen. He wants to become a citizen of the Triss Federation.”

This statement immediately created a tense atmosphere. After a three-second pause, Lyss’s eyes suddenly revealed a hint of a smile, “Let the Immigration Department handle it.” 

The Minister of Immigration immediately said, “I contacted the Sixth Prince before, but he refused to go through the regular immigration process because it takes more than a year.”

Lyss nodded, “Indeed, it’s a bit long. According to the current regulations, what type of immigration is the fastest?” 

After a moment of silence, the Immigration Minister said, “Currently, the fastest is direct family immigration or marriage immigration.”

Lyss understood, “Alright, I see.” 

People didn’t want to know what he understood. They only knew that before long, Lu Xingye’s already not-so-good reputation in Triss would probably decline further.

Now that the disaster had just ended, the public hadn’t seen their chief for half a month. According to the doctor’s previous words…they feared that when they saw Lyss again, his abdomen might no longer be concealable. The final result could be imagined.

“Your various bodily functions have returned to normal,” the doctor said after the basic examination. “The wall of the gestational sac has become thin, and it’s likely unable to withstand a second embryo transplant.”

Lyss, prepared for this, replied, “Yes, I understand.” 

The doctor hesitated and asked, “Are you planning to terminate this pregnancy, or do it yourself?”

Lyss, somewhat puzzled, looked at him, “Of course, I plan to give birth.” 

The doctor, not expecting such a matter-of-fact answer, was stunned for a moment before quickly saying, “Alright, I’ll have the nurse bring in a pregnancy care manual for you to study with your alpha.”

Lyss nodded, “Thank you.” The expressions of the others were now beyond description, perhaps disillusionment would be more fitting.

Seeing that Lyss still intended to continue the discussion with the doctor on this topic, Lillia quickly cleared her throat, “Chief, we should head back now.”

“Okay, thank you all for making the trip,” Lyss nodded, “You’ve worked hard.” 

As everyone turned to leave, Lin Lang, who couldn’t wait, entered the room and was followed by Lu Xingye.

“Mama!” Lin Lang rushed in excitedly. Upon seeing Lillia, she quickly stopped and greeted, “Hello, Aunt Lillia.”

“Hello, Miss Lin Lang,” Lillia smiled. “The chief is waiting for you inside. Go in quickly.”

“Yes, yes, okay!” Lin Lang happily rushed into the ward, “Mama!”

The remaining people watched as Lu Xingye came in, and he even smiled kindly at them. It was a case of not hitting a person who was smiling, so they just nodded and left. Lyss was in the midst of talking to the doctor. Upon seeing Lin Lang enter, he quickly opened his arms to receive her, and she was solidly caught in his embrace.

Lu Xingye, carrying Lin Lang’s schoolbag, walked in and, seeing the situation, exclaimed, “Oh, baby, get up quickly, don’t press on your mama’s belly.”

Lin Lang was startled and tried to get up awkwardly. Lyss pulled her into his arms, saying, “It’s okay. Why did you lose weight? Hasn’t he been cooking for you?”

After putting down Lin Lang’s schoolbag, Lu Xingye complained, “You were asleep, and neither of us had the mood to cook or eat. Can you blame me for that?”

Lin Lang felt a bit embarrassed, “It’s because I didn’t want to eat properly… Sorry, Mama, I’ll make sure to eat well later.”

Lyss lightly knocked on Lin Lang’s head and looked up at the doctor, “What else do we need to pay attention to for natural childbirth?” 

Lu Xingye, who was about to cut fruits for Lyss, froze upon hearing this and turned his head in disbelief, “Natural childbirth?”

“Yes,” Lyss responded casually, “The gestational sac is a bit thin, so we can’t do a second transplant. It’s better to go through natural birth.” 

Lin Lang didn’t understand what they were discussing and blinked, about to ask when the doctor spoke up, “Natural childbirth requires high nutrition. Inadequate nutrition can lead to poor fetal development, while excess can cause the fetus to be too large, hindering delivery. I’ll have a nurse bring you a manual for you and your alpha to study.”

Lyss nodded, “Alright.” 

Lu Xingye hurriedly added, “Thank you, you’ve worked hard.” 

The doctor nodded and, seeing that neither had further questions, turned and left.

After finally waking up, with Lin Lang sticking to him tightly, Lyss wanted to bond with his daughter but allowed her to nestle in his embrace.

“In such a short time, not only did you take care of Lin Lang but even managed to tidy yourself up,” Lyss teased Lu Xingye, who looked as fresh as ever. “You’ve worked hard.”

Lu Xingye smirked, “Not at all. Come on, baby, let your mama eat.”

He pulled out a lunchbox from Lin Lang’s bag, and Lyss was genuinely surprised, “You bought this?”

“Impossible!” Lu Xingye seemed insulted. “Of course, I made it myself. You’ve just recovered, so it’s only liquid for now. Drink up; tomorrow, I’ll prepare solid food for you.”

He placed the lunchbox on the bedside table and, upon opening it, revealed a fragrant, creamy white fish soup. It seemed like the fish bones had melted away after being stewed for who knows how long.

Seeing it, Lyss belatedly felt a hint of hunger. Lu Xingye poured a small bowl and blew on it to cool it before offering it to him. Lin Lang obediently sat on the side, making it easier for him to eat. Lyss, leaning against the headboard, drank a bowl of fish soup offered by Lu Xingye’s hand.

“It tastes really good,” Lyss complimented.

Lin Lang cautiously touched Lyss’s belly and asked, “When will my little sister be born?”

Lyss swallowed the soup and said, “You’ll see her when your next semester starts.”

Lin Lang joyfully wagged her tail. “Really? So soon?”

“Of course,” Lu Xingye chuckled. “Put your tail down a bit; you’re about to sweep it across your mama’s mouth.”

Lyss shook his head to indicate it was fine and drank a couple more sips from the bowl Lu Xingye handed him. “I’ll manage.”

Lu Xingye acknowledged and stood up, walking to Lin Lang’s bag to search for something.

Seeing this, Lyss blew on the soup and moved it towards Lin Lang, “What did your dad put in your bag?”

Lin Lang obediently took a sip and shook her head, “I don’t know. Mama, you drink; I’m not hungry.”

Lyss didn’t know what was going to happen next. He casually asked Lin Lang about her experiences at school while sipping the soup. Lin Lang seemed to open up like a floodgate, talking endlessly about her school stories. Initially attentive, Lyss nodded occasionally and chatted with his daughter. After a while, something caught his attention, and he froze.

Perplexed by Lyss’s sudden change, Lin Lang asked, “Mama?”

Seeing Lyss still not responding, Lin Lang followed his gaze, only to see Lu Xingye walking over from behind.

Lyss regained his senses and felt a bit helpless yet amused. “Are you sure you want to propose in the hospital room…”

He couldn’t finish his sentence as he met Lu Xingye’s exceptionally bright eyes, and the remaining words got stuck in his throat.

“Fine,” Lyss surrendered in helplessness. “As long as you’re happy.”

“Baby,” Lu Xingye coaxed gently, “could you step down for a moment?”

Lin Lang was a bit bewildered but obediently climbed out of Lyss’s embrace and off the hospital bed.

Lu Xingye cleared his throat and took out a box from behind. He hadn’t even started the lines, hadn’t even taken out the ring, when he heard Lyss, with a smile, beat him to it, “I do.”

Author’s Note:

Little Dog: ?!

Chief: A hospital room proposal… oh well, as long as you’re happy.

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May 25, 2024 11:07 am

He’s never been patient!
Thank you both for the chapter.

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